This week we have an 8-year-old female West Highland White Terrier with a 4-6 month history of respiratory distress. Take a look and post your interpretations.
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
This week we have an 8-year-old female West Highland White Terrier with a 4-6 month history of respiratory distress. Take a look and post your interpretations.
There is a diffuse alveolar pattern that is most severe caudodorsally. There is moderate generalized cardiomegaly with primarily right sided enlargement. The pulmonary vessels are difficult to identify due to the pulmonary infiltrates. The liver is mildly enlarged. There is good abdominal serosal detail. There is linear mineralization in the soft tissues dorsal to the spine.
Even though pulmonary vessels are not visible, would you also include cor pulmonale together with pulmonary fibrosis as a differential in this case with these findings? Thank you!
Is there a way to evaluate liver size? Like we use L2 to evaluate the kidneys, or the VHS system to evaluate the heart?