Today’s case is a 2-year-old male neutered Golden Retriever with two cutaneous masses. Take a look and post your comments.
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is a 2-year-old male neutered Golden Retriever with two cutaneous masses. Take a look and post your comments.
There is a large lobulated soft tissue mass present within the cranial mediastinum. The mass is causing caudal displacement of the left cranial lung lobe. The pulmonary parenchyma and the cardiovascular structures appear to be within normal limits. No abnormalities are noted within the viewable abdomen. On the left lateral projection, there is mild irregularity of the cutaneous tissues dorsal to the thoracic vertebra.
There were also masses present in the left kidney and adrenal gland on abdominal ultrasound. Fine needle aspirates of the cranial mediastinal mass were obtained.
Is that possible the mass is in the cranial subsegment of the left cranial lung lobe given the lobar sign and no deviation of the mediastinum/trachea? Do you have CT images or ultrasound images of the mass? Thanks,
I think the same. The mediastinum and traquea are not displaced…….
The mass is not displacing the trachea, but it isn’t all that large. The midline position is the key to identifying it in the mediastinum. The sharp line at the left cranial lung lobe is actually the mediastinum displacing the lung caudally rather than a lobar sign. The mass was confirmed to be mediastinal on ultrasound imaging.