Today’s case is a 14-year-old female neutered DSH cat with hypertension. Can you find a reason?
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is a 14-year-old female neutered DSH cat with hypertension. Can you find a reason?
On the right lateral projection, there is an oval soft tissue opacity mass in the retroperitoneal space superimposed on the kidneys. There is gas in the stomach and small intestine, obscuring the retroperitoneal structures on the ventrodorsal projection. The liver and spleen are normal. The urinary bladder appears normal. There is wet hair coat artifact on the ventral abdominal wall. Spondylosis deformans is present in the lumbar spine.
The mass in the retroperitoneal space is most likely adrenal in origin, such as adenoma, carcinoma, or hyperplasia. Hyperaldosteronism secondary to an adrenal mass could explain the hypertension.
An adrenal mass was found on abdominal ultrasound, with hypokalemia and elevated aldosterone levels.
Hello. Would you also consider phaeochromocytoma given the hypertension? Do you have any explanation for the moderate oesophageal gas distension. Thanks.
Great case! Did you save an ultrasonographic image of the mass? I would be curious to see it… Thank you!