Today’s case is a 10 year old male neutered Husky cross with difficulty breathing and cough for a few days. Post your comments below.
Case originally posted on November 20, 2008
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is a 10 year old male neutered Husky cross with difficulty breathing and cough for a few days. Post your comments below.
There is marked ventral and leftward displacement of the trachea. Both the cranial and caudal mediastinum is widened on the d/v projection.
There is near complete lysis of the right 4th rib, visible on the lateral and v/d projections. The pleura of the right hemithorax appears irregular, resulting in an undulating lung border on that side, overlying the 5th , 6th, and 7th ribs. The 3rd-5th ribs on the right are widened and displaced.
There is moderate pleural effusion and air bronchograms on the left lateral projection, indicating atelectasis or infiltration of the right cranial and right middle lung lobes.
Mediastinal masses, rib mass, possible pleural masses and pleural effusion.
CT scan revealed lysis of the right 3rd rib and part of the associated vertebral body, dorsal mediastinal mass with heterogeneous contrast enhancement, multiple pleural nodules, sternal lymphadenopathy, and multifocal pulmonary nodules throughout lungs.
Osteosarcoma was diagnosed by immunohistochemistry.
Case originally posted on November 20, 2008
There is pleural effusion.
On the lateral view the trachea is pushed ventrally.
Mass effect in the cranial thorax, mostly the right side- at the area of the base of the heart.
A staple is seen in the right side of the thorax- probably in the skin.
The diaphragm can not be seen.
Few air-bronchograms are visible in the left lateral view.