This is a 3 year old Australian Cattle Dog with an intermittent cough since being adopted. The coughing has recently become more frequent with production of foamy material/small amounts of blood. Have a look at the case and post your interpretations.
Case originally posted on April 30, 2009
Alveolar and bronchial pattern in the dorsal lung fields, mild right side cardiomegaly, prominent main pulmonary artery. The pulmonary arteries are wider than the veins- best visualized on the right lateral view. A small amount of air in the esophagus-most likely an incidental finding.
These findings are compatible with a respiratory disease with a secondary pulmonary hypertension, heartworm disease, lung worms etc. An echocardiogram, blood tests for HWD, fecal tests for lung worms, broncho-alveolar lavage and fungal serologies are recommended.