Today’s case is an 8 year old female spayed rabbit who presents with dyspnea, open mouth breathing, and nasal discharge. What’s your interpretation?
Case originally posted on October 16, 2009
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is an 8 year old female spayed rabbit who presents with dyspnea, open mouth breathing, and nasal discharge. What’s your interpretation?
There are bronchial and alveolar infiltrates bilaterally in the dependent portions of the lungs. The caudal lung lobes appear hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragm. The heart and pulmonary vasculature are not well identified. The right 8th and 9th ribs are fractured.
Severe pneumonia.
Results of nasal swab culture:
Case originally posted on October 16, 2009
pleural effusion and diffuse bronchointerstitial pattern.
The heart can not be evaluated, and the vasculature is also difficult to visualize, but does seem slightly prominent on the VD view.
On the right side there are rib fractures of the 8th and 9th ribs