Today we have a 4-year-old male neutered Springer Spaniel who is coughing 3-4 times per day. Post your interpretation in the comments section.
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today we have a 4-year-old male neutered Springer Spaniel who is coughing 3-4 times per day. Post your interpretation in the comments section.
There is a diffuse bronchial pattern and bronchiectasis demonstrated by poorly tapering airways. There is increased soft tissue opacity dorsal to the carina, as well as a patchy alveolar pattern in the left cranial, left caudal and right caudal lung lobes. The cardiovascular structures are within normal limits.
Severe bronchial pattern and bronchiectasis with patchy alveolar pattern. This is suggestive of chronic lower airway disease (infectious, inflammatory). The patchy alveolar pattern may be caused by extension inflammatory disease, or mucus plugging with underlying pneumonia
Peribronchial infiltration, reticular interstitial component with nonvascular linear markings and obliteration of normal vascular shadows, bronchiectasis, focal alveolar pattern in caudal lobes (L lat and VD view), suggesting mixed pattern.
Fissure line (R lat) suggesting mild pleural effusion? (but costophrenic angles clearly visible…)
dd: bronchopneumonia/ edema
Patchy alveolar infiltrates, bronchial pattern and bronchoectasis.
The cadiac silhouette and pulmonary vessels are normal.
Tracheal wash /alveolar lavage are recommended.
DDs include pneumonia, and eosinophilic infilrates
There is also a fissure line on the RL view, which probably indicates pleuritis
in the two latro-medial view there is clear evident of fibrin fill all part of the bronchi and to me the picture is not clear but i think there is puloropnemonea causing pushing the heart and change its normal shape.
the size of heart still within normal size with slightly enlargement.
depend on history the inflammation still in early stage , tracheal wash and culture to determine the sensetive antibiotic is recommended.
until results, Cephalosporin in addition to NSAID is highly recommended.
On left lateral recumbency looks like a nodule in caudal lobes