Today’s case is a 7 year old male neutered domestic short haired cat. He presents with vomiting for one month, and lethargy and difficulty breathing for one week. What is your interpretation?
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is a 7 year old male neutered domestic short haired cat. He presents with vomiting for one month, and lethargy and difficulty breathing for one week. What is your interpretation?
There is a small amount of pleural effusion causing widened fissure lines and retraction of the lung lobes. There is focal widening of the cranial mediastinum on the ventrodorsal projection, which is apparent as a soft tissue opacity flattining the margin of the cranial lung lobe on the lataral projection. The trachea is mildly elevated and narrowed in this area.
The radiographic findings are consistent with a mediastinal mass and pleural effusion. The mass may be compressing the trachea and/or esophagus, and contributing to pleural effusion.
Differential diagnoses include lymphoma, thymoma, ectopic thyroid tissue, mediastinal cyst. Recommend thoracic ultrasound and possible fine needle aspirate.
In both VD and DV views, the left apical lung lobe is also not visible.
What is your idea about left renal silhouette and enlarged spleen anm incidental findings in VD view?