This week’s case is a 12-year-old female neutered Australian Shepherd with lethargy, anorexia, panting, and coughing.
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
This week’s case is a 12-year-old female neutered Australian Shepherd with lethargy, anorexia, panting, and coughing.
Hello ,
The mediastinum on the lateral seemed enlarged to me. Could it be or is ot just me ?
Hi Alison, Thank you for another interesting case.
I would like to ask a question if you get a chance: please:
– is there dilation of the left main bronchi ias it does not taper down as the right one?
-Why is there increased left airways wall opacity? Is that artefact?
– The thoracic lymphnode does not seem to b enlarged on the xrays?What would be other differental diagnosis except lymphoma? Is it really definite diagnosis with the findigs discribed above?
– Would right side heart failure be possible with findings? Thank You
Kind regards