This is the time of year when the residents get serious about studying for the written exam. Part of the challenge is integrating the literature with the textbooks. I’ve posted an Endnote library containing references to all the Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound articles up to the end of 2007 for everyone to share.
One of the best strategies to use is the search function. You can search any of the text in the references for a subject that you happen to be reading about, and will find the relevant references. Many of the references have notes and summaries (courtesy of the Penn resident group), and these are marked with a ^ symbol (use that in the search function).
You’ll need a copy of Endnote to use the library. Although it’s technically compatible with version 8 and higher, people who have tried it have had to upgrade to version 10 to be able to open it. Just go to the downloads area and enter your Veterinary Radiology username and password in the right hand column to access the file.
If you use the library to add your own notes (usually in the notes or research notes fields), mark the references you change with a unique symbol (such as # or $) and send them back to me. That way I can update the group library with your additions. Enjoy!
Hi , Allison, I would like to desire a Happy New Year, and to be thankful therefore I learn very in your site.