Today’s case is a 7-year-old female neutered Boxer that coughed up blood three weeks previously and today is lethargic and panting. What are your differential diagnoses?
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is a 7-year-old female neutered Boxer that coughed up blood three weeks previously and today is lethargic and panting. What are your differential diagnoses?
The cardiovascular structures are normal in size and shape. There is a moderate amount of air in the pleural space with apparent elevation of the heart from the sternum. There is a round soft tissue opacity nodule in the right middle lung lobe. There is air and fluid in the esophagus. The stomach contains a linear metallic wire and linear soft tissue opacities.
The pulmonary nodule was confirmed on thoracic ultrasound and fine needle aspirates were non-diagnostic. On recheck radiographs two weeks later, the pneumothorax and the pulmonary nodule had resolved.
Is the liver small?
In recheck radiograph metallic foreign body is still seen. Is not More evaluation necessary?
I think the liver is probably normal size.
The small liver you saw visually may be just caused by the broad deep chest of the dog.