Today’s case is an 8-year-old male neutered Bichon Frise with chronic cough. What is the pulmonary pattern?
Teaching and learning about veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Today’s case is an 8-year-old male neutered Bichon Frise with chronic cough. What is the pulmonary pattern?
The thorax is hypoinflated on all projections. There is a diffuse bronchial pattern throughout the lungs. The bronchi have thickened walls with variable diameter, and do not taper in the periphery of the lungs. On an expiratory radiograph, there is complete collapse of the main stem bronchi and carina. The trachea appears normal in diameter. The cardiovascular structures are normal. No abnormalities are noted in the pleural space or mediastinum. In the portion of the abdomen included, the stomach is filled with food.
Bronchial pattern and bronchiectasis with dynamic lower airway collapse indicating bronchomalacia. This may have infectious and noninfectious inflammatory components.
On endoscopic examination, there was severe lower airway collapse and inflammation. Septic inflammation with Pasteurella cultured from bronchial exudate.
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